


Certification and certification services with international accreditations.
Certification Services ...



Technical and periodic inspection services as Type A inspection body.
Inspection Services ...



Surveillance service with its registered and academic staff and technological equipment.
Surveillance Services ...



Technical, industrial testing and analysis services with ISO 17025 Laboratory accreditation.
Laboratory Services ...

20 + years

Quality and Trust

SCIENCE Technical Documentation Inc.

SCIENCE, with its expert team and experienced staff, with its technological infrastructure, together with the audit, surveillance and certification of international standards. inspection, testing and certification services to national and international companies.
What standards you should use to contribute to your corporate identity to improve your system and take it further SCIENCE with the brand Contact us to get information about the most preferred standards for certification in the world and to certify your organization.

Management Systems Certification

Our organization provides management system certification activities on the basis of objective, qualified and customer-oriented service approach. Our establishment; provides internationally recognized audit and certification services in the field of management systems certification.

Product Certification

SCIENCE's unique global network is accredited to all major standards and regional regulations. As a result, it offers you comprehensive product certification for a wide range of products worldwide, including cranes and lifting equipment, ropeways and lifts, electrical equipment and pressure equipment.

Food Certification

We provide certification and surveillance services along with agricultural and ecological inspections of food products.
Food Certification ...

Quality Certification

We provide quality certification that provides your company's corporate identity and quality policies and provides competitive advantage.
Quality Certification ...

Ecological Certification

Within the scope of ECOmark Ecological product certification, we provide ECO certificate and ECO Label eco-label certification service.
EKO Certification ...

Certification and certification activities as notified bodies

With its international accreditations and reliable sign brand, SCIENCE provides certification and certification services to all large and small-scale companies, public institutions and SMEs.
(+ 90) 212 702 40 00 or (+ 90) 212 702 22 30

What Makes You TÜRCERT Brand?

Quality management systems, food safety or ecological products which provide services such as certification, also in the examination of a type of work equipment companies and international organizations as an inspection and surveillance services surveylik has been a trusted brand in Turkey.
Share in the country

What activities do we ..

Let's take a look at what service groups TÜRCERT has in the country or among its international activities.
Labortauv is45%

Type A Inspection Body

SCIENCE provides technical controls and periodic inspection services.

Periodic controls of work equipment and occupational safety inspections

Technical measurements, occupational hygiene and ambient emission measurement services

Periodic Inspections of Lifting and Forwarding Equipment

Based on the Occupational Health and Safety Law published by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the same ministry issued the Regulation on Health and Safety Conditions in the Use of Work Equipment in 2013. This regulation specifies the minimum health and safety requirements for the use of work equipment in the workplace.

  • Periodic Controls of Lifting Machines
  • Vehicle Lift Lift Periodic Inspection and Inspection
  • Crane Crane Periodic Inspection and Inspection
  • Crane Periodic Inspection and Inspection
  • Mobile Crane Periodic Inspection and Inspection
  • Caraskal Periodic Control and Inspection

Pressure vessels are generally compressors, air tanks, boilers, steam and hot water containers, pressure boosters and expansion vessels.

In the current legal regulations, pressure vessels are defined as vessels and equipment with an internal pressure higher than 0,5 bar.

This definition includes all kinds of pressure vessels and their piping systems, security systems and other equipment.

  • Pressure Vessels Controls
  • Steam Boiler Inspection
  • Expansion Tank Controls
  • Land Tanker Inspection
  • Air Tank Inspection
  • Expansion Tank Inspection
  • Angry Water Boiler Inspection
  • Autoclave Periodic Inspection
  • LPG Tanks Inspection
Nondestructive Testing Services

Non-destructive testing is a form of inspection performed without damaging the integrity of the materials or parts to be controlled and inspected. It is evaluated based on the results of destructive examinations.

Non-destructive testing methods are generally used to detect invisible discontinuities in materials or discontinuities open to the material surface.

  • Ultrasonic Inspection (UT)
  • Radiographic Examination (RT)
  • Penetrant Inspection (PT)
Periodic Controls of Construction Machines.

Work machines are machines which are used for digging, loading, transporting and piling materials such as stone, soil and rock and can move on their own wheels, pallets or legs with additional equipment or that are pulled by another motor vehicle. Some of the machines are operated by an operator and some of them are operated by remote control.

Inspection of Machines

Construction machines are not used for transporting people, animals and cargo on the road, they are mainly used in the construction sector, industry, agriculture and public works.



Management Systems Certification


Periodic Inspection and Inspection Services

Surveillance & Survey

International Surveillance and Survey Services

Laboratory & Testing

Industrial, food and textile analysis

SCIENCE Press Release ...

All news and media analysis you wonder about us
Providing certification services with 10000 auditors, each of whom are experts in their own fields and a worldwide network, TÜRCERT provides certification, audit and inspection services of international standards for organizations that want to be a brand that will bring your quality and corporate identity to the fore and prove your company portfolio to the world. 

TÜRCERT; With its technological infrastructure and technical experience, it is the most established surveillance company of our country in its sector. It also provides experimental laboratory, technical measurements and testing services. He uses his competitive power only to surpass himself, to reach the better, the stronger, the more perfect. That's why Once the TÜRCERT brand is in your heart, it will never come out again.
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SCIENCE in its 15th Year in the Sector

SCIENCE in its 15th Year in the Sector

SCIENCE Technical Documentation Inc. It was established in 2013 and is headquartered in Istanbul. Established entirely with domestic capital, SCIENCE has shown to the sector so far.

SCIENCE Subsidiary EUROLAB Grows Fast

SCIENCE Subsidiary EUROLAB Grows Fast

EUROLAB laboratory is a EUROLAB Laboratory Inc. is the brand. Equipped with the latest machinery and equipment of international standards and developing technology...

SCIENCE has also started its laboratory studies

SCIENCE has also started its laboratory studies

In order to expand the product range it offers to its customers and to provide more services to its customers, SCIENCE Teknik Belgelendirme A.Ş.

SCIENCE Continually Expands Its Accreditation Range

SCIENCE Continually Expands Its Accreditation Range...

In general, accreditation is not mandatory. Whether the products and services are adequate according to the determined quality and safety ...

SCIENCE Turkey's Most Reliable Brand

SCIENCE Turkey's Most Reliable Brand

To create a strong brand, careful planning and meticulous work are required. Having only one name in the market, it is a product of ...

SCIENCE Works with the Best

SCIENCE Works with the Best

Our company, SCIENCE Technical Documentation Inc., which is now on the way to become a brand, continues to add the leading companies of our country to its customer portfolio.

SCIENCE Starts Nationwide Standardization Studies

SCIENCE to Nationwide Standardization Studies...

The dizzying developments in every field, especially in technology, make social life more and more complex. Standardization...

2018 Goals of Hasan Kutlu, Chairman of the Board of SCIENCE

SCIENCE Chairman of the Board of Directors Hasan Kutlu...

Hasan Kutlu, Chairman of the Board of SCIENCE, expressed the goals of their organization for 2018 in an interview with an economy magazine...

Those Who Prefer Us ...

Some of Our References Empowering SCIENCE


The firm, which provides auditing, supervision and certification services to internationally recognized standards, also provides periodic inspection, testing and control services.

Contact Us


Mahmutbey Mh, Dilmenler Cd, No 2 
Bagcilar - Istanbul, TURKEY

Telephone :

+90 (212) 702 00 00


+90 (532) 281 01 42
