At the basis of the system certification studies, there is a desire to establish the sustainable development and improvement targets of the enterprises on a solid basis. To this end, the Company establishes, implements, observes and improves the management systems standards required by their fields of activity within a wide range of management systems.
In order to provide services in accordance with the standards announced by domestic and foreign organizations, the companies need to determine their processes correctly and implement them. Naturally, this result increases the customer satisfaction in the enterprises, provides an excellence in the quality of the goods and services produced, increases the reputation of the enterprise in the market and always stands out in the struggle against its competitors.
Certification bodies constitute a framework for the establishment, monitoring, auditing and improvement of management systems applicable to enterprises operating in various sectors. In the same direction, our organization has fulfilled its responsibilities regarding accreditation and provides certification services to the requesting companies in the following management systems:
- ISO 9001 Quality Management System
- ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
- ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
- OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
- ISO 27001 Information Security Management System
- ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System
- ISO 50001 Energy Management System
- ISO TS 16949 Automotive Quality Management System
- ISO 39001 Road and Traffic Safety Management System
- ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Management System
- ISO 28001 Supply Chain Management System
- ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Calculation and Verification Management System
- EN 15085 Welding Qualification Certification
- ISO 20121 Effective Sustainable Events Management Certification
In line with their needs, enterprises that have established and implemented one or more of these management systems may apply to our organization and request audit and certification services.
In general, the system certification process starts with the first inspection studies carried out in two stages. In the first stage, office and area audits are carried out considering the risk group of the enterprise. All management system documents prepared by the company are reviewed. Employees in the enterprise should be aware of the requirements of the relevant standard for relevant processes, objectives, system objectives and operation, particularly at critical points, from senior management to the lowest employees. At this stage, the company is also evaluated in terms of compliance with the relevant legal regulations and existing risks.
The second stage is carried out in the field and in the facilities and working areas of the enterprise. In this process, whether the targets determined by the enterprise, the processes are complied with, the internal audit and review studies are conducted, the management system performance complies with the legal regulations and whether the company follows the policy and management responsibilities are observed on the job.
All system certification works provided by our organization are carried out in this direction, all kinds of information and documents obtained in the audits are reviewed, any nonconformities detected are corrected and finally, with the approval of our certification committee, the relevant management system certificate is issued and delivered to the enterprise.