

EurepGAP Certification

EurepGAP Certification

What is EurepGAP?

The EUREP statement consists of the initials of the Euro Retailer Produce Working Group. The name of this group can be translated into the European Retailer Manufacturer Working Group. This group started its work in 1997 and its activities focus on ensuring the safety of agricultural products from reaching the table to the table. It is based on the following principles in its work:

  • Hazard Prevention Analysis at Critical Control Points (HACCP)
  • Integrated Pest Management
  • Integrated Crop Management

EUREP supports the continuous development of new methods and new technologies related to farming.

The expression GAP is composed of the initials of the Good Agricultural Practice statement, translated as Good Agricultural Practices. Good Agricultural Practices are based on the protection of people and all living things while agricultural production is being made, while trying to adhere to the principles of protecting natural resources and ensuring that agricultural production is traceable and sustainable. Likewise, it aims to provide reliable agricultural products to people.

In short, super and hyper markets (ie large retailers) operating in the European Union countries have determined the minimum standards for agricultural products that are grown or imported in European Union countries in order to provide healthier agricultural products to consumers. With the application of these standards, the use of chemical substances in agriculture has been reduced by using good agricultural methods and in this way consumer health has been tried to be protected.

Producer firms that do not participate in this EUREPGAP formation today will have difficulty in maintaining their current market share. Because the demands of retailers in EUREPGAP certified products in European Union countries are increasing rapidly. This situation is of great importance for our country. Because the European Union countries are an important target market for our country and a significant part of the export of fresh fruits and vegetables are made to European Union countries.

What is the Importance of EurepGAP?

In the EUREPGAP application, it is necessary to obtain documents from internationally recognized accredited audit institutions or laboratories.

The increase in quantity and variety of products subject to international trade has been influential in the formation of food standards, which are generally accepted by the European Union countries, but generally all countries in the world. In addition, the increase in the income levels of consumers, the increase in education levels, the increasing awareness of people and the increase in the competition in the market have increased the importance shown to food security.

As in many countries, animal and plant health issues are more important in our country. This necessitates the monitoring and implementation of internationally accepted standards.

EUREPGAP is a quality system for the agricultural sector and defines the framework for Good Agricultural Appropriations, which is developed for the purpose of making agricultural production in the most correct way and which includes the basic principles. The EUREPGAP standard is also applied to cut flowers and seedlings alongside fresh fruit and vegetables. In the following years, EUREPGAP has also set specific standards for animal consumption, cereals, feed and coffee. At the same time, it is aimed to increase the quality of life of the producers.

The EUREPGAP protocol mainly consists of three documents:

  • The protocol consists of the standards to be applied for production and is a document that the manufacturers have to comply with.
  • Explains the general regulations, documentation stages and the requirements of the audit work to be performed.
  • Control points and compliance criteria are standards and details that manufacturers must comply with.

In more than 50 countries, certification is carried out by more than 70 certification bodies around the world. The validity period of the EUREPGAP certificate is one year and it must be renewed every year by auditing. Producers can apply to receive documents individually or as a group.

For EUREPGAP certification work, the following eligibility levels apply:

  • Major suitability: 100 compliance is required for certification.
  • Minor conformity: 95 conformance is required for certification.
  • Recommendations: Controls are made but have no effect on certification.

There are some sanctions such as warning, suspension and cancellation unless the foreseen compliance is achieved.

In addition to the EUREPGAP standard, standards such as HACCP (Hazard Prevention Analysis at Critical Control Points) and TS EN ISO 22000 (Food Safety Management Systems - Standard for all foodstuffs in food chain) standards are internationally developed standards in food safety and human health, and food and agriculture quality assurance standards aimed at total quality management in companies producing products.

The EUREPGAP standard generally defines these rules:

  • Control and protection of agricultural production processes in the conditions of sustainability within the framework of the principles of quality management system
  • Registration of all processes
  • Management of meadow and pasture areas in rural areas, protection of water beds and wells, forest and hunting animals
  • Methods of use of pesticides and chemicals
  • Ensuring animal welfare and health

The EUREPGAP protocol has a wide range of applications from farm to agricultural products, fresh fruit and vegetables, cut flowers and saplings. If the Good Agricultural Practice Standard becomes widespread in agricultural enterprises, raw materials will be produced and documented in a safe and controlled system. EUREPGAP certification studies play an important role in securing the first ring of the food chain in terms of ensuring the ecological balance of the earth and the protection of the environment, as well as ensuring food safety.

Nowadays, different practices and certification studies are carried out between countries regarding food safety management. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) carries out a study to prepare an international standard and to rescue agricultural enterprises and food enterprises from multiple documents. At the end of this study, HACCP and EUREPGAP principles and criteria, ISO 9001 and 9002 standards, British Retailers Association Technical Standard and International Food Standards (IFS) are considered together and a new ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System standard is aimed.

However, while these studies were in progress, EurepGAP was changed to GlobalGAP in 2007. The latest version of this standard was issued in 2013. Good Agricultural Practices certification studies are carried out on the other hand, and GLOBALGAP certification studies are ongoing on the other hand.



The firm, which provides auditing, supervision and certification services to internationally recognized standards, also provides periodic inspection, testing and control services.

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Bagcilar - Istanbul, TURKEY

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+90 (212) 702 00 00


+90 (532) 281 01 42
