TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc. Our company attaches importance to environmental management. The environment is the biological, physical, social, cultural and economic environment in which all living things, and of course humans, relate and interact with each other throughout their lives. The deterioration of environmental conditions as a whole of relations and the emergence of some problems started with the deterioration of natural balances due to the effect of human factors. Especially in the twentieth century, while many technological opportunities are offered to the service of people, on the other hand, the common heritage of humanity, the environment is irreversibly destroyed.
Just as the natural environment began with the industrial revolution, the idea of protecting the environment was born and developed at the same time. However, environmental awareness needs to be further developed. For this purpose, it is necessary to raise awareness and inform people about the environment, to give people permanent behavioral changes and more importantly, to ensure the active participation of people to solve environmental problems.
The efforts to protect, develop and improve the natural environment are intended to ensure that future generations live in a healthier and safer environment. It is the human being that harms the environment, and the one who will protect it.
Based on these facts, our organization is aware that the protection and improvement of the natural environment is a very important issue and supports the environmental protection movements and thoughts and participates voluntarily.
Many governmental and non-governmental organizations in Turkey and in the world are working on this subject and producing projects. TÜRCERT is actively involved in these projects and is involved in some projects.
According to the World Values Survey, the percentage of people who say that environmental protection should be given priority, even if it will slow down economic development or lead to unemployment, is close to 60. In developed countries, 83 is the percentage of people who can give some of their income to prevent environmental pollution, and 78 is the percentage of people who can pay additional taxes for the environment. However, these rates are quite low in our country and other low income countries. The number of members of non-governmental organizations is also low in our country. Therefore, TÜRCERT creates a difference in its sector with its sensitivity and contribution to environmental problems.