How to set up the ISO 22716 cosmetic good manufacturing practices system? A functional document management system, like other ISO standards, should be established in the system of good manufacturing practices in cosmetics. Again, as the principle of the quality management system, the basic characteristics of the company are that the job descriptions of the personnel are clearly explained, their competencies are clearly defined, the personnel are well trained, they are competent about their subjects and the company top management is strong. Safe production can only be done in an establishment with these characteristics.
In various processes of production, who will make the main decisions such as release, quarantine, product rejection, error control, surveillance, control, change control and internal audit must be determined and documented. In addition, all of these must be communicated to the staff within the company. As a requirement of quality standards, the communication methods of employees with second and third parties within the company should be determined for employees at all levels.
These are the ones that the iso 22716 standard needs for the organization. However, the needs for operating machines, devices and facilities must be correctly and functionally determined. In addition, the processes and application instructions related to the production and material management should be documented. ISO 22716 Another important point when establishing the standard in the company is the determination of the work flows regarding the deviations in production, complaints from users and recalling the product in case of necessity. Of course, as in all quality systems, continuous improvement is the main issue in this system. The processes should be kept under constant control and improvements should always be made when and where necessary.
As TURCERT certification and consultancy organization, we are one of the organizations that provide consultancy services to establish the ISO 22716 cosmetic good manufacturing practices system.To learn more about what to do to establish this system, even to establish the ISO 22716 cosmetic good manufacturing practices system, as Turcert certification and consultancy organization. You can apply to experienced managers and staff.