Our company TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc. has increased its reputation and reputation not only in the country but also abroad with its reliable, high quality and fast service understanding. Not only do we have a strong management team, but we also have the ability to have talented, educated and expert employees and the latest technology.
One of the reasons that we have earned a reputation in this sector is that we never ask customers for wages that would force their payment capabilities or lead to unfair competition in this sector. Our company, on the one hand, wants to get the return on its investments and earns reasonable fees from the customers while trying to keep the fees as low as possible in order to obtain more customers. Our organization, which successfully establishes and maintains this delicate balance, is recognized and preferred more in this way. Our company's price policies are aimed at providing services without compromising on service quality and keeping things fast, while keeping things at the most reasonable level possible.
The contribution of our principled work and service in line with the determined policies, visions, missions and values has a great contribution to being a well-known brand. Our organization provides impartial and independent services to all persons and organizations that are serviced free of prejudice. Our company informs its customers clearly about the features, benefits, possible risks and responsibilities of the parties and provides mutual trust. It provides timely and complete information to customers about the activities performed. It always tries to be honest with customers and third parties in all services provided. At all times, customer information and documents are kept confidential.
Management-independent processes have been determined in order to receive, examine, evaluate and finalize the ititraz and complaints of customers or third parties related to our activities and transactions are carried out in this direction.
Finally, our organization serves within the framework of standards, legal regulations and European Union directives published by domestic and foreign organizations and cooperates with official institutions and other organizations in the sector when necessary.
Continuing its activities with this understanding, our organization will further increase its recognition in the coming years.