Feed Analysis

Agriculture has basically two different production areas: crop production and animal production. Animal production is the production of basic foodstuffs such as meat, milk and eggs which are important elements of human nutrition and are indispensable elements of balanced nutrition. Animal foods are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals and contain nutrients that people need in their nutrition. In this regard, the production and consumption of animal products in sufficient quantities is an important factor that shows the social development of countries.

However, the world population is growing rapidly, and in the future, many people will face the danger of hunger. For this reason, all countries are focusing on increasing animal production. In order to increase animal production, genetic improvement and feeding of animals are two important factors. Even improving the feeding conditions of animals affects animal yield more.

Animal feeding conditions include the following important points:

  • What foods do animals need?
  • What are the feed values ​​of feeds given to animals?
  • What are the appropriate rations for various animal species?
  • What constitutes the basis of animal nutrition?

Regardless of which animal products are effective both in quantity and quality, it is possible to use suitable feeds and appropriate feed mixes. That is, depending on the species, age and yield power of the animals, separate rations are required and it is necessary to use feed in accordance with the preparation purpose of each ration.

For a successful animal production, it is necessary to use the feed in sufficient quantity and quality and to know the qualities of these feeds very well. The most important cost element in animal production is the feed used and this cost constitutes 80 of the total input.

For this reason, it is necessary to know what the feed is, what is the value of the feed, and the beneficial or harmful effects of the feeds on the animals according to their species. Without this knowledge a good livestock can not be made. This issue is also important in terms of reducing costs and creating rival opportunities. For this reason, while taking the necessary precautions to make the most of the traditional feeds, it is necessary to find new and more economical new feed materials, to determine and use their qualities.

The feeds have a two-way contribution. The first one is to provide the nutrients they need. The second is to form a filler. In other words, to provide the animal products with fragrance, color and taste, and to help the animals to be given when necessary.

The feeds are generally natural products such as hay, grass, barley and corn. However, their processing residues or by-products and fully technology products are also used as feed. Products such as corn gluten, oilseed meal, wheat bran and milk powder are of this type. In the meantime, some synthetic substances such as amino acids and various minerals and vitamins, which are obtained by technological methods and which are completely artificial, have nutritional values ​​and are accepted as feed.

The feeds gain value depending on the concentration of the nutrients they contain. In this respect, feeds are classified as heavy feeds and roughage.

Scope of Feed Analysis

In 2010, Veterinary Services, Phytosanitary, Food and Feed Law has been enacted in order to ensure food and feed safety, to protect human health, to improve plant and animal health and animal welfare and welfare and to protect the environment. The classification of the feeds is made according to this law on the basis of the source. However, in this case some nutrients that do not belong to the same class in terms of the nutrients it contains.

The purpose of classification in the feed sector is to keep the feeds close to each other together and to determine the possibility of using them partially or completely interchangeably. The generally accepted classification is in the form of roughage, intensive feeds and feed additives.

But above all, the nutritional values ​​of the feeds. In feed analyzes carried out by the authorized organizations, the nutrients of the feeds are analyzed and their amounts are determined. For this purpose, feeds are analyzed with different perspectives.

While the feeds are analyzed and evaluated according to their physical characteristics, the following factors are considered: the appearance, odors, tastes, hardness, size, temperature of the fodder and the leaves and stalks in roughage. The methods used to physically analyze feeds are simple, fast and inexpensive methods. Generally, sensory organs are evaluated.

Analyzing and evaluating feeds according to their chemical properties is more complex. Because their chemical structure is very different. In most cases, chemical analyzes alone do not produce results. Chemical analyzes give information about the feed value to some extent. In the first group chemical analysis, raw protein, crude cellulose, crude oil and crude ash contents of feed are analyzed. However, because these analyzes give rough results, more precise analyzes are needed. In the second group chemical analyzes, the amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids and harmful and foreign substances that prevent feed are analyzed.

The feeds are classified according to their digestibility properties, energy properties, protein properties and specific ingredients.

For more information on feeds, physical analyzes, chemical analyzes and biological analyzes of feeds are carried out by authorized laboratories. These analyzes are carried out quickly and reliably in laboratories equipped with suitable devices and equipment. The physical properties of the feed are evaluated by looking at the external structure properties of the feed. Within the scope of chemical analyzes, protein analysis, oil analysis, ADF analysis and NDF analysis are carried out to determine the nutrient content of the feed. In the biological analysis, digestion and method tests are carried out on the animals.


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